
Book Freak-Out


Middle Grade

T5W: Liar Liar

You see the cover. You read the inside flap. Maybe an author you really like is quoted on a back cover blurb. The book sounds great – and maybe it is! Or maybe it isn’t, and you’ve fallen victim to a misleading synopsis. This week’s Top 5 Wednesday is about bad synopses – they can glam up a boring book, dumb down a fabulous book, or make you think that a plot element is more relevant than it actually is. Either way, they can be dicey. Here are 5 “liar liar pants on fire” synopses I’ve experienced. Continue reading “T5W: Liar Liar”

ARC August Wrap-Up

We’re two days into September, and with that came the jarring realization that ARC August has officially drawn to a close! Thanks to Read.Sleep.Repeat for organizing this much-needed purge of my TBR list. Well, as much as knocking 4 ARCs off qualifies as a “purge.” However, my goal was one a week so I’m going to call it a success, though lots of other bloggers probably read upwards of one bajillion ARCs last month. Baby steps.

Continue reading “ARC August Wrap-Up”

Children of Exile

This was my second book for ARC August, and it’s a good thing it was a quick middle grade read, because I was not impressed. When taking into account that Margaret Peterson Haddix is the author, it becomes even more depressing, because some of her earlier books remain longtime favorites of mine, including Running out of Time (1995), Leaving Fishers (1997) and Among the Hidden (1998). Try those. Not this.

Continue reading “Children of Exile”

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