
Book Freak-Out


Picture Books

T5W: Liar Liar

You see the cover. You read the inside flap. Maybe an author you really like is quoted on a back cover blurb. The book sounds great – and maybe it is! Or maybe it isn’t, and you’ve fallen victim to a misleading synopsis. This week’s Top 5 Wednesday is about bad synopses – they can glam up a boring book, dumb down a fabulous book, or make you think that a plot element is more relevant than it actually is. Either way, they can be dicey. Here are 5 “liar liar pants on fire” synopses I’ve experienced. Continue reading “T5W: Liar Liar”

Elephant & Piggie: End of an Era

If you have even a passing familiarity with children’s literature, then odds are you’re familiar with the work of Mo Willems. Pigeon, Knuffle Bunny, Elephant & Piggie; they’re all extremely lovable and extraordinarily popular with the under-10 age segment. And the odd 20-something. Walking into a library, you might not realize that there are actually 25 Elephant & Piggie books, because they are always checked out.

Continue reading “Elephant & Piggie: End of an Era”

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