
Book Freak-Out



Tarnished City

Author: Vic James
Series: Dark Gifts (Book 2)
Publisher: Del Rey
: Feb. 6, 2018
: 416 pages
ARC received from Del Rey through Goodreads

Second books are something of a proving ground for me. I’m always happy to test out the first book in a new series, but if I do come back for the second, it typically ends in one of two ways – I’m in for the long haul, or I pull a Did Not Finish and drop off the bandwagon entirely. The first book in the Dark Gifts trilogy, Gilded Cage, was a three star read for me. There was a lot of ambitious world building and alternate history to be introduced, but I felt author Vic James had really hit her stride by the explosive ending and I was left feeling hopeful that the series would continue in that vein. Fellow readers, she DID NOT DISAPPOINT.


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Reign of the Fallen

Author: Sarah Glenn Marsh
Publisher: Razorbill
Publication: Jan. 23, 2018
Hardcover: 384 pages
Digital galley received through Penguin First to Read

In Karthia, death is not the end. Souls that would eventually fade away in the Deadlands can be guided back to their bodies for another chance at life thanks to necromancers like Odessa and her partner Evander, who have recently been named Masters of their trade. Their magic has allowed King Wylding to reign for centuries, but the constancy comes at a price, both for the “living” Dead and the rest of Karthia. The Dead must live a shrouded life; if so much as a sliver of their skin is revealed to a living person, they transform in a Shade, an unspeakable monster that devours life.

a9621b08-ebf4-4045-a1cb-033d251f2d34.gif Continue reading “Reign of the Fallen”


Author: Livia Blackburne
Publication: Nov. 7, 2017
Hardcover: 400 pages

I bumped this book to the top of my TBR because through the end of December, author Livia Blackburne is doing a reviewer appreciation giveaway on her website! Anyone who either posts a review to a retailer website OR simply requests Rosemarked from their library will automatically receive a signed Rosemarked map print and bookmark, with drawings for additional swag/books also available. I think it’s awesome to include library requests for those who can’t afford new releases or whose libraries haven’t gotten it in circulation yet, and the prospect of guaranteed book swag will get me to do nigh on anything, so here goes the review.* Continue reading “Rosemarked”

T5W: When Silver Trumps Gold

We can all agree that Second Book Syndrome is a real thing – a series explodes onto the scene with a fabulous first installment, maybe races to the top of the NYT bestseller list, cheers cheers applause applause, only to have book 2 not quite hit the mark. But before we beat that dead horse into further submission, rest assured that this week’s Top Five Wednesday is exactly the opposite. This week, we’re toasting middle of the series books that topped out the bell curve on quality. Here’s to second (first?) place! Continue reading “T5W: When Silver Trumps Gold”

A Darker Shade of Magic

Author: V.E. Schwab*

I thought about trying to come up with a clever intro statement for this review, but I kept coming back to “it’s really really really good,” so that’s what y’all get. Eloquence has always been one of my defining traits. At any rate, it’s true – A Darker Shade of Magic brings together multiple magical Londons, an infinite coat, a weapon-laden thief girl and some psycho villains to create a tantalizingly complex story full of adventure and escapades.

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The YA Chronicles Unboxing: ACOWAR

Many book boxes are monthly subscriptions that feature a surprise title. And while The YA Chronicles, based out of Australia, does have a monthly service like that, they also occasionally offer one-time boxes for highly anticipated titles, allowing readers to know they’re getting a preorder of what they want plus additional swag. So despite the wallet-draining experience of shipping something from Australia to the US, I jumped on the one-time A Court of Wings and Ruin (by the lovely Sarah J. Maas) box back in February, waited an interminable length of time for the May 2 book release, then waited some more for my box to make its way around the world. BUT IT FINALLY GOT HERE.  Continue reading “The YA Chronicles Unboxing: ACOWAR”

Rec Roundup: SJM Hangover

Sarah J. Maas fans, if you’re not in this position already, you probably soon will be. You finished A Court of Wings and Ruin. All 70 million billion Bible-thin pages of it. And it was utterly fabulous, and now the whole world looks dull by comparison.

What to read next? I just had a friend message me in dire need of SJM-equivalent recs, and I figured she can’t be the only one in this position. So if you’re looking for something that stands a chance of holding up to the glory of ACOWAR, I think the following titles just might do it for you.

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A Crown of Wishes

Author: Roshani Chokshi

Literary siblings often have a way of stealing the spotlight – the Weasley twins, the Baudelaire baby, Aedion Ashryver (well, cousin), Jem Finch LOL JK Scout is way better. In The Star-Touched Queen, Maya’s younger sister Gauri was an unexpected standout, shining with fiery personality and indomitable strength despite appearing in a pretty small fraction of the story. Well, hold on to your hats because SHE HAS HER OWN BOOK NOW. Continue reading “A Crown of Wishes”

What self control?

Whenever I get off work early (as I did last Thursday), my brain immediately presents me with two options: I could go home and enjoy some down time before the Husband Unit gets off at 5…or I could go to that most glorious of establishments, the public library. Which is conveniently on my way home.

You will likely be unsurprised to learn that latter option wins out more often than not. Thus, the following look at how a woman of reasonably sound mind ended up bringing home even more books.

Continue reading “What self control?”

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