
Book Freak-Out



T5W: Now Hiring

Regular jobs are so boring compared to fictional jobs. Oh, you tweet for the student union of a Big 12 university?* Yeah well I’M A WIZARD. Though to be fair, books jobs often come with a unique set of downsides, particularly the fantasy ones. Apply here to be the long-lost queen! Except your kingdom has been taken over by warmongers and nobody knows who you are, and you’re probably an insecure, unskilled teenage girl! I hope you enjoy the classified ads for my Top 5 fictional jobs! Continue reading “T5W: Now Hiring”

Bookish Shenanigans!

Saturday was a Grade A day for books. I met up with The Roomie, who is actually one of my former college roommates, but calling her my Roomie requires far fewer syllables. We typically convene our friendship fest in a city that’s an hour drive for each of us, with the added bonus of being the home of the nearest Barnes & Noble, or “The Big Ampersand,” as we have taken to calling it. We are each other’s worst enablers when it comes to book buying. Here’s the rundown of the day’s best bookish moments:

Continue reading “Bookish Shenanigans!”

Read, Watch, Listen Vol. 1

Books are undeniably awesome, and I could blab about them all day. But there’s lots of great forms of media out there, and sometimes you need a change of pace! We listen to music while we read, we watch movie adaptations of books and comics, we write fanfic and original stories, and on and on and on. So here’s the first of a new post series I’m starting, where I match a book with a movie and a song.

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Hoofin’ It: Books in My Little Pony

If you have negative opinions about Bronies, DON’T STOP READING. For starters, this highlights the most bookish episodes of the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, so you should be able to find common ground in that. Secondly, don’t knock the show and its fans if you haven’t seen it or met them.* With movements like We Need Diverse Books gaining ground every year, the least we can do is be open-minded and inclusive across all types of media and fandoms. But on to the books!

Continue reading “Hoofin’ It: Books in My Little Pony”

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